Lyrical, Easy-to-sing Melodies
Spiritually Strengthening Lyrics
     Reassuring  Thoughts of    
     Comfort for Every Day
                  Listen to “Sparkles of Serenity”

YSylvia Senchuk
At Sylvia’s Studio

Sparkles of
Catchy Melodies
with Spiritually
Strengthening Lyrics
Employs 4 singers,
guitarist, djembe drum,
american flute, pan pipe,
piano, chimes, vibes,
flute, percussion,
& bass Guitar     

Fourteen lyrical, easy-to-sing melodies nestled with
reassuring  thoughts of comfort for every day

Scroll down to find
Links to the

Song-Correlated Lesson Reference
from A.C.I.M
1. No Matter What—————W 95, 164, 167
2. Shining Love——————–W 93, 105, 157
3. It’s a Beautiful Day———————-W 190
4.Key to Happiness——-W 121, 122, 126, 157
5. Free to Feel the Oneness————W 76, 97
6. Know Deep Within ————W 41, 49, 354
7. God is the Strength————-W 44 thru 50
8. If I Love God—–W 365, Matthew 22; 37-39
9. I Am as God Created Me—–W 94, 110, 165
10. Got to Go Into the Gap————-Readings
from Echkart Tolle
11. I Rest in God Today———————W 109
12. Forever Mine——————————-W 124
13. The Hush of Heaven ——————-W 286
14. Sparkles of Serenity——————–W 156

FREE    For every purchase of one jewel Case CD of Sparkles of Serenity:         FREE
Receive a copy of “I Am Sustained by the Love God”
Reviews of the first 50 lessons of A Course In Miracles

Sparkles of Serenity” Songbook
Lead Sheets/Lyric Sheets
CDs with  Vocals or Accompaniment Tracks
Correlated A.C.I.M lesson reference

To hear audio clips
Click on the recorders

For prices and order information
Click on
“Services” on Navigation Bar

Sparkles of Serenity” Score
Full Piano/Vocal Scores
Song-Correlated A.C.I.M lesson reference

A Course in Miracles “is a  foundation of inner peace that opens
the reader to a whole new reality of Life that is the Eternal Love of
God.  All of the lessons, found in the back of the text, are designed
to assist the reader with healing, truth, joy, love and deep peace.  
When these lessons are put to lyrics, melody, rhythms and delightful
instrumentation, the words come alive and become apart of your
daily reminders of the truth of who we are; At one with the Source of
our Being;  Eternal, Holy, full of Love, Peace and Joy.
To learn more about A.C.I.M click on the links below.

Daye Alexander Whalen,
Lyrica Smolenski
James and Sylvia Senchuk
Djembe Drum
Sam Peters
Classical Guitar
Matthew Cosgrove